Meet Our People: Sona Kalenderian

Name: Sona Kalenderian

Place of birth: Beirut-Lebanon

My family roots: Sis in Cilicia (both parents and ancestors)

Occupation: Librarian and Teacher

Working with Armenian Institute: I started teaching the Western Armenian Classes in 2010 and have loved doing so, still contining today

Special memory about AI: Cooking workshop with Ani King-Underwood, Dancing workshop with Shakeh Tchilingirian, Poetry night in memory of the Armenian Genocide, film viewings and many more.

Favourite Art: Arshile Gorky, Hovhannes (Ivan) Aivazovsky, Yousuf Karsh and many more.

Best advice: When one door closes another opens.

Motto: Encourage learning the Armenian Language with great passion.

Coffee: Double Espresso

Favourite place in London: Southbank

The future of AI: To carry on with the Armenian cultural, literary events and trying to encourage the new generation to get involved.  

Favourite book: The Forty days of Musa Dagh by Franz Werfel and others.

Favourite film: Notting Hill, The Promise, Women of 1915 (Documentary) and others.

Favourite music: modern and popular music, folklore dancing music.