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Armenian Institute Event Policies

Please note that all event tickets are sold online, no tickets are available at the door. To ensure a smooth experience for all attendees, please make sure to register in advance using Eventbrite.

Photography, audio or video recordings for public use other than those made by the Armenian Institute will be allowed only in situations where advance written permission has been requested and granted. Plans for dissemination must be included in the request. Event staff will have records of all permissions granted and only these will be permitted. AI must secure the permission of the speaker/performer of any event ahead of time. Audience members should be shown from the back only in the recordings and for photographs, their permission obtained.  Terms of permission include receiving a copy of the recording and being sent a weblink if the recording is online.

To request making a recording, please contact the Armenian Institute (info@armenianinstitute.org.uk) at least five days prior to the event date.