Join the Friends of the Armenian Institute

Pay Online

The annual Friends scheme introduces supporters to an intimate network of like-minded individuals who share a passion for the arts and culture of Armenia, and have a strong belief in the mission of the Institute. You can join via three different tiers, or by donating your prefered amount:

  • Members - £50+

  • Patrons - £100+

  • Benefactor - £1,000+

You can easely and securely join and pay online using the following link. No need to fill in the form under the red line.

Pay via Bank Transfer or Cheque

If you prefer to pay via bank transfer or cheque, please fill in the below form.

Bank Transfer: Lloyds Bank | Sort Code: 30-91-92 | Account number: 79193360 | Account name: Armenian Institute

Pay by cheque: Payable to: Armenian Institute, Address: 1 Onslow Street, London EC1N 8AS